Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 7/9/2024 - 6:30 PM
Category: Budget and Finance
Type: Info
Subject: 6.13 DRS Electrical Services, LLC- Purchase and Installation of Generators
File Attachment:
Bid Tab Generators 7-2-24.pdf
Bids Generators HS and PS 7-2-24.pdf
Summary: Motion to add DRS Electrical Services, LLC to the agenda for the purchase and installation of generators to support the High School and Primary School kitchens not to exceed $46,000.00 for the July 23, 2024, legislative board meeting.
Funding: Cafeteria Fund
Recommendation for the Board Action: For Board consideration.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Patricia Connolly - Director of Finance & Operations
Signed By:
Julie Franczyk - Assistant Superintendent